The latest update to the BONEHAT-sound.
Martin came into it - let´s say 1998 -
and he supports the BoneHat-program with quite a lot of booooom-sound. 

He has quite a lot experience in studio-recording
and he's the technical mastermind during the production of  the first

With his former band Paradice he had a CD released, too.

e-mail to Martin

Releases  of  Martin Person

Martin´s really dammed good project A Psychic Opera
Another one of A Psychic Opera
And here is the third one of A Psychic Opera
Biker´s Groove is a cool sampler where
A Psychic Opera werde invited to take part in!

c o p y r i g h t :   1 9 9 9 / 2 0 0 0   T h e   B o n e H a t   -   H e a d q u a r t e r s
S e e   I m p r e s s u m   f o r   d e t a i l s